Friday, October 17, 2008

Barack Obama just showed up at this man's house and asked for Joe, the plumber's vote, and Joe the plumber asked Obama a difficult question about taxes and Obama basically said Income redistribution. Now the man has media in his yard and he is being smeared. What is wrong with everyone. This man did not seek Barack Obama out but now his life is turned upside down. Why can't Americans ask Obama a difficult question not all Americans are really interested in the Hope and Change kind of thing. They want answers to real questions. They want to know what their money is going to go.
I am a poor American and I do not need a tax cut because I only pay pay roll taxes. What do I need a tax cut for. As an poor American I have to live on a budget and I expect my Government to also live on a budget and stop driving us deeply in debt nor do I think raising taxes on everyone is going to help the economy.
This article made me proud of John McCain he is a very good man.

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