Thursday, October 16, 2008

John Murtha from Johnstown in Western PA told the press that Obama would be well ahead in the polls in PA but people in Western PA are racist. This is just one more time the Obama campaign or Democrats called the people of PA racist. Now they just signal one region of PA and paint us all racist.
It doesn't matter to the Democrats that the people here are more conservative then the people in other parts of the Country and that Obama is way to Liberal for the people here. They do not tell people that the last Liberal to run for President Mike Dikikus also lost here. The Democrats are so busy trying to guilt trip people into voting for Obama that they risk their own careers.
Representative Murtha thinks his seat will be safe but that may not be true anymore. It is not a good idea to call people racist and then expect them to vote for you are the person you are trying to campaign for.
Barry insulted this state several times during the Primary. He made the bitter and clinging remark during the PA Primary and Hillary won the state by 10. So I guess the people here are racist for not voting for someone who insulted them.
The race card is being overplayed this election and if the Democrats do not want to be completely wiped out in November they better play another game. This may be working with the poll but in the privacy of the voting booth those same people will vote for McCain.

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