DNC and the Obama campaign are back to threatening people because they may support McCain. I want to know how the hell they are going to know who people vote for. I actually believe that there are going to be a lot of Democratic Politicians who are going to cast their personal vote for McCain. I believe every woman who is tired of the sexism of the Obama campaign and the DNC to cast their votes for McCain for the Presidency and to vote for Dana Welsh who is running against Pelosi. Cindy Sheenen is also running but this blogger doesn't want that wacko anywhere near the Capital.
When we have control of the Party again we need to get rid of the left wing of the party. We need to really clean house and get rid of the left wing wackos who have taken over the Party.
One good thing about this whole election is that I have learned the truth about Republicans. The Republican Party is not sexist nor racist. I suspected this when the GOP chose General Powell and Dr. Rice for Secretary of State and the way they have accepted Sarah. I now believe the Republicans only care about rather or not your a conservative, moderate, or Liberal. Republicans are also finding out that the majority of Democrats love their Country as much as they do. They are also finding out that the majority of Democrats are not liberal but Moderate.
The funny thing is that Hillary supporters and McCain's Moderate supporters are pretty much the same they may differ on a few issues but they are pretty close.
I hope that in four years when the Democrats and Republicans are on two different sides that we both remember that the Republicans are not sexist and racist and the Democrats love their Country and most are not Ultra Liberal nut jobs.
It's time to stop the brain washing that goes on in both Parties and remember that although we may disagree about issues that we are all Americans. We are putting aside Party differences because a nut job wants control of the Country.