Friday, August 29, 2008


Senator John McCain just picked Governor Sarah Pallen from Alaska as his VP choice. This was a wonderful move on his part. There were a lot of women who were waiting to see who he picked for Vice President. He waited until it was to late for the Democrats to change their minds.
I believe that even more women will pick McCain even the ones who were going to vote for Obama. I am proud of Senator McCain and the Republicans for picking our first female VP. She is only the second woman to be placed on the ticket. She will more likely then not be the first female VP in history.
If Senator McCain only runs for one term that opens up a chance to her to run for POTUS in 2012. I can see it now Senator Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Nominiee and Vice President Sarah Pallen as the Republican Nominiee. That would be one interesting contest.
Sarah Pallen is also good for the ticket because she is conservative. She is a mother of five. Her oldest son is in the Army and is headed overseas. She also has four younger children including a young baby who has Downs syndrome. She is 44 years old.
So Democrats you can no longer say you are the party for women. You had your chance to elect one and you allowed the old boy network use sexism to destroy her. The Republicans have chosen a woman as VP but the Democrats picked another male.
Obama and the Democrats lost today. They know it and so do the Republicans.

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